JZ Knight comments on this important Vitamin D3 update:
"In the BLU ROOM a treatment of 3 minutes will deliver 7,000 to 10,000 IU to your body. See for yourself the amazing results that only a 3-minute BLU ROOM treatment can deliver."

JZ Knight comments on this important Vitamin D3 update:
"In the BLU ROOM a treatment of 3 minutes will deliver 7,000 to 10,000 IU to your body. See for yourself the amazing results that only a 3-minute BLU ROOM treatment can deliver."

"Everywhere I go... I am the messenger of the Blu Room."
~ Falk, from Germany
"Everywhere I go... I am the messenger of the Blu Room."
~ Falk, from Germany

Personal Stories
Personal Stories
Personal Stories
Personal Stories
Personal Stories
Personal Stories
Personal Stories

Skin Ailments

Blu Room Testimonial: Seborrheic dermatitis
I had a problem of seborrheic dermatitis which was torturing me for twenty years. It got worse last March. In addition to being ugly to see, I also had a lot of pain. My ear was burning a lot, inside my ear too, even just touching it hurt. I couldn't sleep on my right side because my ear was hurting so much, My ear was very swollen and very hard.
I often had a liquid coming out of my ear like pus mixed with blood.
I didn't consult any physician because I didn't want to take any antibiotics or other chemical medicament that I was certain they would prescribed. Eagerly I was waiting for the arrival of our Blu Room!
On July 3, I began with the Blu Room. I took 2 sessions close together after which I was very tired and weak. I slept a lot and I didn't eat much. After a few days, the situation became absolutely better and the intense pain and burning sensation was almost gone. I'm still using the Blu Room 3 to 4 days per week.
My immense gratitude goes to JZ who brought us this marvelous gift, and my thanks also to Dr. Matt for his precious collaboration.
—Diana in Switzerland
Carrol Haddock’s painful bed sore 4 inches long, healed in Blu Room treatments at MercyBlu in Yelm, WA

From early May to the end of June 2016, Carol had Blu Room sessions once per week. Many wonderful things have happened for her as a result of the sessions but one of the most remarkable is the healing of her Stage 2 Decubitus ulcer or bedsore that she has had since October 2015.
In October 2015 Carol developed a Decubitus ulcer, better known as a pressure ulcer or bedsore on her rear end. At first it was the size of an eraser on the end of a pencil with purplish tissue. Despite the best efforts by Carol and her daughter, the ulcer began to grow and was increasingly painful. It grew into a Stage 2 bedsore that was three to four inches long, on its way to a Stage 3. There was also an open sore that kept growing. Carol went to the doctor several times and finally the doctor ordered a visiting nurse to come to the house weekly to keep an eye on it. The ulcer was treated with barrier block ointment and coconut oil, plus Carol was moved to a hospital bed for comfort.
When Carol began going to the Blu Room, her daughter Abby began to take pictures of the sore when she noticed improvements after the first few sessions. The changes became visibly noticeable. The open wound healed up and the tissue around it began to peel leaving behind new skin. Now it is just a purplish pink mark that looks like scar tissue. And it is no longer painful. The skin has improved a lot in the past few weeks. It is very different than the previous six months she was suffering from the ulcer when it was just getting worse and worse. Carol recently went back to her doctor who discontinued the visiting nurse, saying the sore was much better and to keep on doing what they were doing.
"I wish I had thought to document its progression from the beginning but taking pictures of your mother's rear end is a delicate thing," Abby laughed. "I certainly never thought I would be emailing the pictures to anyone! I am not sure if you will be able to see the changes over just a few weeks but I can. It was a huge open sore before and now it looks like scar tissue."
According to the Centers for Disease Control, bedsores affect the health of nearly one million adults every year in the United States. Most common bedsores advance to Stage 2 where the top skin layers die off, creating a shallow crater at risk for infection. As the average age of the US population continues to rise, bedsores will be a significant health problem in the years ahead. With the increase in MRSA and other contagious infections, the death toll and needless suffering will rise. The usual treatment for advanced stage pressure sores is complex and expensive. Along with the huge healthcare expenditure of treating a facility-acquired bedsore, most patients suffer enormous pain from a condition that could have been prevented. Finally, the life of the patient is often threatened when the wound becomes infected. In studies accumulated by the National Institutes of Health, the average cost to treat a facility-acquired Stage 4 bedsore and associated complications averages well over $125,000 for a single admission. Compare that to the ease of a $60 Blu Room session once per week for several weeks!